History of the Sabbath Day — Revelations from the Lost Pages of History
Are you confused with the maze of deceptions and lies on what the real truth is on the fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments? If you would you like to view or purchase an unbiased documentary hosted by TV actor Hal Holbrook on the history of the Sabbath that supports the Bible, please read on.
This is a five-part television documentary series tracing the remarkable story of those who honoured the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath throughout history. Produced for commercial television, it features beautiful location footage, classic art, illustrative re-enactments, interviews with experts, and solid Biblical and historical documentation. Many of the interviews with the experts on the history of the Sabbath have PhD's in their respective fields or are otherwise very qualified. See below for the incredible number of interviewed experts and their qualifications. I recommend watching this very informative
seven minute trailer for more on this brilliant series on the history of the Sabbath day.
Subtitled Revelations from the Lost Pages of History, this series highlights 2,000 years of conflict over the Christian day of worship. From the revolutionary Sabbath teachings of Jesus to the Sabbath keeping Taiping Revolution in the 19th century China, from the first Sunday keeping Churches in Rome and Alexandria to the Sabbath keeping reformers of 15th century Russia, The Seventh Day tells the story of the Sabbath as never told before.
This series has also been submitted to nearly 400 libraries across the United States. In addition, the libraries of more than 200 universities also carry this series and more are constantly being added.
The Seventh Day web site has six preview clips which you can also access here to watch online. This by no doubt has to be the best production ever made on the true history of the Sabbath. This superb production can now be watched online on this site or on Youtube as well as being purchased. Hope TV aired this series for the first time in April 2007 for those that have Satellite TV installed. Hope TV will no doubt continue to air this series from time to time so check their TV schedule periodically. Select this link to find out how to have free satellite TV installed.
Part One Introduction 2.)
A Sabbath Miracle 3.)
Patrick Escapes 4.)
Death in Red Square
Authority and Tradition
Sunday Law Debate 7.)
Seventh Day Trailer
Besides the fact it is not possible to produce one legitimate scripture that says the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, this documentary reveals that the Sabbath to Sunday change was completed by Catholic Church in 364 A.D. which Constantine's Sunday law in 321 A.D. played a crucial part, and that Sunday did not take on the name of the Lord's Day until the fourth century. Some of the early Church fathers switched to Sunday around 90-120 A.D. because of severe persecution for Judaism. And those that tried to avoid the persecution justified the change by saying it was in honour of the resurrection and why this reason is sometimes heard today, though it is not scriptural or the true reason the minority changed. There is no doubt that all kept the seventh day Sabbath until at least 90 A.D. which is nearly 70 years after the cross. Once in the dark ages, the true Sabbath day was almost murdered out of existence. See sample clip four. There is a lot more to the fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments that our adversary does not want us to know.
The Seventh Day - Revelations from the Lost Pages of History | |
Watch this TV series on Youtube in 11 parts | Watch each part in its original format |
The Seventh Day Part 1 of 11 | Revelations from the Lost Pages of History - DVD 1 |
The Seventh Day Part 2 of 11 | Revelations from the Lost Pages of History - DVD 2 |
The Seventh Day Part 3 of 11 | Revelations from the Lost Pages of History - DVD 3 |
The Seventh Day Part 4 of 11 | Revelations from the Lost Pages of History - DVD 4 |
The Seventh Day Part 5 of 11 | Revelations from the Lost Pages of History - DVD 5 |
The Seventh Day Part 6 of 11 | — |
The Seventh Day Part 7 of 11 | — |
The Seventh Day Part 8 of 11 | — |
The Seventh Day Part 9 of 11 | — |
The Seventh Day Part 10 of 11 | — |
The Seventh Day Part 11 of 11 | — |
The Seventh Day — Cast of Interviewed Experts
The following is the huge cast of the 50 interviewed experts, which you will note are from all walks of life for this unbiased five part television documentary series called The Seventh Day — Revelations from the Lost Pages of History. It traces the remarkable story of those who honoured the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath right throughout history. Produced for commercial television, it features beautiful location footage, many excellent illustrative re-enactments and solid Biblical and historical documentation that proves that ALL Ten Commandments are truly eternal.

Elliot Dorff is Rector and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles. He earned his Ph.D. in philosophy at Columbia University. A Conservative rabbi, Dorff is a major voice in the Conservative (Jewish) Movement. He has authored eight books and published over one hundred articles on Jewish thought, law, and ethics.

Roy Gane is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages at the Theological Seminary of Andrews University in Michigan. He studied Biblical Hebrew Language and Literature at the University of California, Berkeley, earning both his M.A. and Ph.D. there. He has contributed to numerous scholarly publications and authored two books: Altar Call and God's Faulty Heroes.

Ronald Mellor is Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles. He earned his doctorate in Classics at Princeton University. His special areas of interest include Greek and Roman history, and ancient religion. His published works include at least seven books on ancient history and historians, and he is the principal contributor to the articles on Ancient Rome in Microsoft's CD-ROM encyclopedia, Encarta 2000.

Tamara Cohn Eskenazi is Professor of Bible at Hebrew Union College/Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles. She earned a Ph.D. from the University of Denver and the Iliff School of Theology. Her research focuses on the reconstruction of Jewish life after the exile in the sixth century B.C.E., on the role of women in the biblical world, and on the implications of the Bible for the Jewish community today.

George L. Murphy is a Lutheran pastor with an M.Div. degree from Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. He is also a scientist with a doctorate in theoretical physics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He has published many papers in physics as well as articles in the science-theology dialogue. His books include Toward a Christian View of a Scientific World and Cosmic Witness.

Shaye J. D. Cohen is Ungerleider Professor and Director of Judaic Studies at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. An internationally recognized expert on the period of Jewish history spanning the early Christian era, Cohen has authored or edited over 50 books and articles on the history of Judaism, Josephus, and early Christianity.

P. Gerard Damsteegt is Associate Professor of Church History at Andrews University Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He holds a Doctor of Theology degree from the Free University of Amsterdam. He has authored numerous articles for professional and lay journals, along with more than a dozen books, including Early Church to A.D. 604: An Outline.

Robert M. Johnston retired as Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at the Theological Seminary at Andrews University, where he served for several years as Chairman of the New Testament Department. He earned his doctorate at the Hartford Seminary Foundation. Johnston specialized in the study of New Testament backgrounds.

Burton L. Vizotsky is Appleman Professor of Midrash and Interreligious Studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. He earned his Ph.D. at that same institution. His eight books include The Genesis of Ethics and The Road to Redemption. Vizotzky worked with Bill Moyers on the ten-hour PBS series, “Genesis: A Living Conversation,” released in 1996. He was also a consultant to Jeffrey Katzenberg of DreamWorks SKG for the 1998 film, “Prince of Egypt.”

Claudia Setzer is Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College in New York City. She earned her doctorate at Columbia University/Union Theological Seminary. Her special areas of interest include New Testament and Christian origins. She is the author of Jewish Responses to Early Christians. She has also published articles on the historical Jesus, Mary Magdelene, and Jews and Jewish-Christians in North Africa.

Earl M. J. Aagaard is Professor of Biology at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee. He earned his doctorate at Colorado State University's College of Forestry and Natural Resources. His areas of interest include Origins and Intelligent Design, and the philosophical aspects of science.

Robert J. Bartlett is Professor of Mediaeval History at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. His university education at Oxford, Cambridge, and Princeton earned him a D.Phil. degree. He is an internationally recognized scholar and author of several books, including Trial by Fire and Water: The Medieval Judicial Ordeal and The Making of Europe, which won the prestigious Wolfson Literary Prize for History.

Fred Berthold is Professor of Religion, Emeritus, at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Dr. Berthold retired after a long career at Dartmouth, during which time he served as chairman of the Religion Department.

Jill C. Havens is Assistant Professor of English at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Oxford in England. Her special areas of interest include Middle English literature, medieval culture and history, and Lollard texts and history. Havens is founder of the Lollard Society.

Leslie Hardinge (deceased) enjoyed a long career as scholar, teacher, and writer. He earned his doctorate at the University of London. His thesis was published in London for the Church Historical Society under the title, The Celtic Church in Britain. It is one of the most significant studies on Celtic Christianity available today. Hardinge authored several other books including Shadows of His Sacrifice and His Name is Wonderful.

Alan Macquarrie is a research associate in the Research Centre in Scottish History, part of the Department of History of the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. He earned his doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. A prolific writer, he has published over a score of articles in scholarly journals and authored several books, including Scotland and the Crusades, The Knights of St John of Jerusalem in Scotland, and The Saints of Scotland.

Aideen O'Leary is Assistant Professor of History and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Keogh Institute for Irish Studies at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. She earned her doctorate at Cambridge University in England, and is a frequent speaker at academic conferences in Ireland, the UK, and the USA. She is author of Trials and Translations: The Latin Origins of the Irish Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles.

Herb Samworth is Instructor of Biblical Research and Education at Sola Scriptura in Orlando, Florida. He earned his doctorate in Reformation and Post-Reformation Studies from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Samworth is a prolific author who writes for lay readers. His articles include “The Work of John Wycliffe and its Impact,” “The Council of Trent,” and “From the King James to Modern Translations.”

Bryan Ball, now actively retired, is former principal of Avondale College in Australia. He also served as Head of Religious Studies at Newbold College in England. Dr. Ball is the author of The English Connection and The Seventh Day Men: Sabbatarians and Sabbatarianism in England and Wales, 1600-1800.

Kebede Daka is an Ethiopian historian, researcher, and international speaker. His manuscript on the Sabbath-keeping tradition in Ethiopia is awaiting publication. He holds a doctorate in Higher Education Administration from Michigan State University.

Gordon L. Isaac is Assistant Professor of Church History at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. He received a Master of Divinity degree from Western Evangelical Theological Seminary, a Master of Theology degree from Luther Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Marquette University. He is an associate editor of Luther Digest.

Daniel Liechty is Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Illinois State University. He holds a Ph.D. from Vienna University (Austria) and a D.Min. from the Graduate Theological Foundation. His is the author of several books including Sabbatarianism in the Sixteenth Century and Andreas Fischer and the Sabbatarian Anabaptists.

Michael A. Mullett is Professor of History at the University of Lancaster in England. An internationally recognized scholar, he is Review Editor of European History Quarterly and author of numerous books including Radical Religious Movements in Early Modern Europe, The Catholic Reformation, and Luther.

Richard Muller is former chairman of the theology department at Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon. Although now retired, he continues to work with Middle East University's extension program in Sudan. He lives with his family in Denmark.

Dennis D. Martin is Associate Professor of Theology at Loyola University in Chicago. He earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in history at the University of Waterloo (Canada). He was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Tubingen. He has published numerous books and essays including contributions to Theological Studies, Catholic Historical Review, and The Journal of the Historical Society.

John O'Malley, SJ is Distinguished Professor of Church History at the Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A prominent Jesuit historian, he is the author of several books including The First Jesuits; The Jesuits: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts 1540-1773; Four Cultures of the West; and Trent and All That.

John Roth is Professor of History and chairman of the History Department at Goshen College in Indiana. He holds a doctorate from the University of Chicago. A prolific writer and editor, he is director of the Mennonite Historical Library and editor of The Mennonite Quarterly Review.

Jose Alberto Tavim is a Researcher in the Center of African and Asiatic Studies at the Institute of Tropical Scientific Research in Lisbon, Portugal. His academic degrees include Master in History of the Portuguese Expansion and Discoveries (XV-XVIII centuries) and Doctor in Portuguese Studies (XV-XVI centuries).

Jeff Bach is Associate Professor of Brethren and Historical Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary. He holds a doctorate in Church History from Duke University. He is author of Voices of the Turtledoves: The Sacred World of Ephrata.

Oleg A. Zhigankov is Professor of Church History at Zaoksky Theological Seminary in Russia. He holds a doctorate from Andrews University. His dissertation, “The Issue of Antitrinitarianism in the Fifteenth-Century Novgorod-Moscow Movement,” reveals the story of the Sabbatarian reformers in fifteenth-century Russia.

Janet Thorngate is President of the Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society. She earned a master's degree from West Virginia University. She is a frequent contributor to The Sabbath Recorder, the monthly magazine of the Seventh Day Baptist denomination, and editor of several books including A Choosing People: The History of Seventh Day Baptists by Don A. Sanford.

Lee Boothby is Vice President of the Council on Religious Freedom in Washington, DC. He received his law degree from Wayne State University. He is actively involved in religious liberty issues in both the national and international arenas. Calvin Burrell is Editor of The Bible Advocate, official publication of the Church of God (Seventh Day). He is also a member of the board of directors of the Bible Sabbath Association.

Calvin Burrell is Editor of The Bible Advocate, official publication of the Church of God (Seventh Day). He is also a member of the board of directors of the Bible Sabbath Association.

Merlin Burt is Director of the Center for Adventist Research and Assistant Professor of Church History at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. He earned his doctorate at Andrews University.

Sidney Davis is a researcher and lecturer focusing on Christian roots and culture in Africa. He is former president of the Bible Sabbath Association and now serves as a member of the Board of Directors of that organization.

Otto Dreydoppel is Director of the Center for Moravian Studies and Assistant Professor of Church History at the Moravian Theological Seminary. He holds a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Chicago and is an ordained minister in the Moravian Church.

Samuel Korenteng-Pipim earned a degree in engineering from the University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. He later earned a doctorate in Systematic Theology from Andrews University. He has authored several books including Searching the Scriptures and Receiving the Word.

Skip MacCarty is associate pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Stress and author of Stress: Beyond Coping, a stress management seminar. He has recently completed a comprehensive study of the Bible covenants.

Alexis McCrossen is Associate Professor in the Clements Department of History at Southern Methodist University. She earned her doctorate in History of American Civilization from Harvard University. She is the author of Holy Day, Holiday: The American Sunday.

John McVay is Professor of New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, where he also serves as Dean. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University and a doctorate in New Testament Studies from the University of Sheffield in England.

Bertram Melbourne is interim dean of Howard University's School of Divinity. He earned a doctorate in New Testament Studies at Andrews University. He is a member of the District of Columbia Commission on Caribbean Community Affairs and a trustee of the Washington Theological Consortium.

Ekkehardt Mueller is Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute (SDA) based in Silver Spring, Maryland. A native of Germany, he earned a Th.D. degree from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.

Robert Mulluk, Jr. is Executive Director of the Noorvik Native Community. He earned an M.Ed. degree from the University of Alaska. He lives and works in the town of Noorvik in the Kobuk River Valley of northwestern Alaska.

James Parker is Chairman of the Board of the Church of God and Saints of Christ. The denomination is based in Virginia.

Rodney Petersen is executive director of the Boston Theological Institute (BTI) and adjunct professor in Comparative Christianity in the schools of the BTI. He earned his master's degree at Harvard Divinity School and his doctorate at Princeton Theological Seminary. His is a member of the board of directors of the Lord's Day Alliance.

James Standish is Executive Director of the North American Religious Liberty Association. He received his legal education at Georgetown University. He has appeared on C-SPAN's “Washington Journal”, National Public Radio's “All Things Considered” and “Marketplace,” and has published a number of articles on church-state law.

Jonathan Spence is Sterling Professor of History at Yale University, where he is director of the Graduate Studies Council on East Asian Studies. Born in England, he earned both his master's degree and his doctorate at Yale. He is author of several books, including The Taiping Vision of a Christian China 1836–1864.

John Ritenbaugh is a former Worldwide Church of God minister. He is now President of the Church of the Great God.

Mark Turdo is Curator of the Moravian Historical Society in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. He earned a bachelor's degree in history at Moravian College and is pursuing a Master of Arts degree in History Museum Studies.

Chung-fang Yu is Professor of Religion at Columbia University. Born in China, she earned a master's degree in English from Smith College and a doctorate in Religion from Columbia University. Her books include The Renewal of Buddhism in China. She is co-editor of Pilgrims and Sacred Sites in China.