Excellent Bible Prophecy Seminars

One might ask what the Ten Commandments have to do with Bible Prophecy. The answer is everything. The Ten Commandments are a very significant part of Bible prophecy. For example, by comparing Daniel 7 with Revelation 13, we learn that “the beast” of Revelation is also called a “little horn” by Daniel. One of the key characteristics of the “little horn” is that it “shall think to change times and laws.Daniel 7:25. All Protestant Reformers of the 16th century identified the Roman Catholic Church as the “little horn” and “the beast.” Significantly, the Roman Church boasts that it changed the fourth Commandment the Sabbath into Sunday, which fits the prophecy of Daniel 7:25 exactly. Three times in Daniel chapter 7, God is spoken of as “the Ancient of days.Daniel 7:9, 13, 22. Ten Commandment Bible ProphecyThis unique phrase, “the Ancient of days,” is found nowhere else in the entire Bible and points back to the Creation Week when our Creator first made the world in “six days” and rested on the “seventh day.” Genesis 1; 2:1-3. Note also that the word translated “rested” in our English Bibles in Genesis 2:3 is “shabbath” in Hebrew, which means Sabbath. The “little horn,” with its “mouth speaking great things” (Daniel 7:8) attacked what God set up at “the foundation of the world.” Please read who or what is the Antichrist for more.

The book of Revelation was given on the Sabbath which is the fourth Commandment. “I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day” (Revelation 1:10), wrote John. So what is the Lord's day? Many believe it to be Sunday, but there is no Scriptural support for this opinion, and as we have just seen, we know how the Sabbath was changed to Sunday and by whom. The only day that Jesus specifically identified as His day was the Sabbath. Jesus declared, “The Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.Matthew 12:8. Thus Jesus revealed that He is “Lord” of that “day.” As usual, Jesus was actually quoting Old Testament Scripture and applying it to Himself. The fourth Commandment declares, “But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord.Exodus 20:10. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath day, which means He is God Almighty in human form. On the Word of God alone, it is clear that the Book of Revelation was given to John on “the Lord's day,” which is the Sabbath day.

While still on the subject of the fourth Commandment, the “7th” day Sabbath, we should note that the number “7” is God's special number in the book of Revelation. Significantly, the book of Revelation speaks of 7 churches (1:11), 7 golden candlesticks (1:12), 7 stars (1:16), 7 lamps of fire (4:5), 7 Spirits of God (4:5), 7 seals (5:1), 7 trumpets (8:2), 7 angels (15:1) and 7 last plagues (15:1) to be poured out on those who follow the beast whose number is 666. Revelation 13:18. Hence the number “7” is God's special number. Jesus Christ is represented as a “lamb ... having seven horns and seven eyes” (5:6), which reveals that the number “7” is Jesus Christ's special number too for it points to Him as the One who made heaven and earth in six days and who rested on the seventh day. John 1:1-3; Exodus 20:11; Colossians 1:16.

In the book of Revelation, Jesus warned that eventually “all the world” will wonder “after the beast” and “worship the beast.Revelation 13:3-4; 14:9. To avoid worshipping “the beast,” Revelation specifically says we should “worship Him that made heaven and earth, the sea, and the fountain of waters.Revelation 14:7. Hence one group worships the beast (Revelation 14:9), while the other group worships the Creator. Revelation 14:7. Additionally, those who worship the Creator have another key characteristic. They “keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.Revelation 14:12. If you look at the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, there is only one Commandment about worshiping the Creator, and it is the one that states, “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and He rested on the seventh day.Exodus 20:11. By comparing Revelation 14:7 with Exodus 20:11, it is clear that Revelation 14:7 is simply quoting the fourth Commandment and emphasizing its importance. Thus we see that Jesus Christ, who originally gave “The Revelation” to John on the Sabbath, has also revealed in Revelation's prophecies that it has to do with keeping the Commandments of God and more specifically the fourth and second Commandments.

Revelation points to “the foundation of the world.” Notice carefully “All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him [the beast], whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.Revelation 13:8. At the “foundation of the world,” the Son of God made the Earth in six days, and rested on the seventh day. See John 1:10; Exodus 20:11. When Adam and Eve sinned by yielding to the serpent's lies (Genesis 3:1-6), immediately the Son of God volunteered to become the Savior of fallen humanity. Thousands of years later, He appeared on earth as a Man to “seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10), that is, to eventually restore us to our original condition before the fall. If Adam and Eve had never sinned, they would have been followers of their Creator throughout all eternity. Jesus died to bring us back to the Garden, to our original state. This is the purpose of the entire plan of salvation. By reading Genesis 1 and 2, by going back to the “foundation of the world,” we learn the truth. The teachings on evolution over creation all contradict the creation story and our only reason for a seven day week and hence the fourth Commandment. Establishing the truth about creation and proving that God did create the world in a literal six days and rested according to the fourth Commandment, we further reinforce the truth and the relevance of all Ten Commandments.

The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation reveal that that Jesus Christ is seeking to undo the damage and lead His true people back, step by step, first to the cross, and then to the keeping of all “the Commandments of God” (Revelation 14:12), including the fourth, which points to the true Creator of heaven and earth. Jesus Christ is our Creator, and our “Lamb,” who died because we sinned by breaking the Ten Commandments. Those interested in studying Bible prophecy will find the Bible prophecy study on Daniel and the verse by verse Bible prophecy study on Revelation invaluable.

The following Prophecy seminars and teachings on creation are available as follows:

  1. The Prophecy Code - Doug Batchelor (Excellent)
  2. Discover Prophecy - David Asscherick (also excellent but more advanced)
  3. History of the Sabbath - Revelations from the Lost Pages of History